25, Jul 2021

NEW MOON + Mercury Direct - Empowerment

Feeling stuck? Ready for the next step? The new moon of Dec 6  has the power to overcome inhibition, oppression and doubt, freeing you to move forward into the future.

Outdated beliefs and unhealthy power dynamics may be up for critical examination, as a newly refined sense of self-respect grows in the days to come.

The new moon will be in the area of the sky named Jyestha Nakshatra, the “Queen Star.” Within it dwells a goddess who symbolizes the power of seniority and respect, especially the respect given to the eldest wise woman in a family.

In Vedic lore, Jyestha is the celestial eldest sister, senior wife, or crone. Her wisdom and spiritual detachment grows in the darkening winter months, as the natural cycle of life and death unfolds.

Unfortunately, this goddess has been demonized and degraded over the ages and is now compared to Alaksmi (the elder sister of Lakshmi), the goddess of misfortune, disease and sorrow.  However Jyestha is also the star of the fierce and free.  She connects us to the infinite wisdom, strength and courage that is within us all.

The final Mercury Retrograde of 2018 will end on Dec 6, just hours before the new moon cycle begins.  This is a powerful kickstart for the last lunar cycle of the year, and can help to clarify plans and wrap up projects that may have been on hold. With a conjunction of expansive Jupiter, this new moon also amplifies inner wisdom and understanding of ourselves and others.
But take heed, the new moon is debilitated in sidereal Scorpio, where fears and insecurities are known to arise.  Issues  surrounding  freedom, respect, and boundaries may need to surface now, to be ultimately healed.

Sensitive individuals may feel overwhelmed, especially at family gatherings, and with Jupiter's generous influence, be especially wary of overindulgence in food and drink over the holidays.

Jyestha New Moon empowers the soul with a natural sense of self-respect and inner-knowing. Be open to new strategies of communicating and connecting with your true needs and desires now.