Product Detail

Surya Yantra_01

Rattings: 1026

Surya Yantra - Yantra for Sun
A Surya Yantra is used to mollify the planet Sun. As per the Hindu mythology planet Sun has been regarded as god of divinity and worshipped by the devotees. It is believed that planet Sun stands for power & authority. The Sun Yantra endows the leadership, brilliance and decision-making power. It generates the positive energy with in and around. Worshiping Surya Yantra eliminates negative effects of Sun from horoscope and attracts positive energy.

Mantra to Chant:
ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः। Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryaya Namah

Must wear on Sunday Morning


It is advised to consult a professional astrologer before wearing any Yantra. For Consulting Genuine Astrologer

All The Images Are For Reference Only. Their Size, Colour, Shape & Packaging  May Vary.

MRP: ₹501
You save: ₹250 (49.9)%
Price: ₹251